Unrelated Engine – Aquarium 3D

0 minutes, 41 seconds Read

Aquarium 3D is a little demo of an engine that I'm developing for my framework. It uses a multithreading system with a thread for the physic engine and a thread that draws the graphics on the screen: the two threads are perfectly synchronized to maintain the best fluidity possible with different framerates.

The physic engine has a static number of iterations per second, in this case 30. It can obtain a good fluidity of movements also on higher fps of the graphics card (like 75 for example) upscaling the static framerate with a series of trajectory corrections. It uses also OpenGL for graphics,GLUT to open the window and lib3ds to import the 3d studio meshes. The fish models are property of this site: http://toucan.web.infoseek.co.jp/3DCG/3ds/FishModelsE.html

Gianpaolo Ingegneri
Copyright @ 2010 – All right reserved

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