Category Archives: Announcement

Important news and updates about this web site and the projects, like latest changes or releases

Two big announcements

My paternity leave is about to finish. I took advantage from this period of pause to continue TextureMind Framework, in my spare time (programming is my lifelong passion). I wrote about 800 commits and finished most of the parts that were incomplete. I refined the resources system, supporting dynamic resources and content based optimizations. I finalized binary serialization and file formats. I made it 100% resilient to errors and corruption, so it can pass any fuzz test or existing app sec criteria. I supported system clipboard, and now it's possible to copy & paste anything between processes: text, images, audio tracks, 3D models, anything. I implemented a complete audio engine with OpenAL Soft. I completed the GUI system and created a professional GUI Editor that is almost finished. I started to support networking, so it's already possible to implement client / server applications, exchaging messages between processes with all the complexity of my serialization system, with my cross platform backward / forward compatible binary formats. Now it's getting serious.

I have two big announcements. The first is that 2024 will be my last year of work at NICE / AWS as developer of NICE DCV software. I will no longer be able to work for Amazon because according to company logic (Return To Office) it's not possible to develop remotely and I cannot move from my city. For now, I'm in a sort of "grace time" period, but soon it won't be possible to work anymore for the company and I will leave, I think for the end of the year. The second announcement is that when I'll leave my job, I will dedicate myself to TextureMind activity and I will make it my real job. Many applications and projects will be done from this point onward, it will be the beginning of a new era. Among the many things I intend to do, I am working on my own desktop remotization protocol, obviously totally original and reprogrammed from scratch with my TextureMind Framework. It will be called TMD (TextureMind Desktop). I have many years of experience as an employee developer of this type of software and I am perfectly capable of creating my own software starting from scratch. The software will not only be a desktop remotization protocol, but also the virtualization protocol for my applications because I want to release some of them in the form of saas (software as a service). Everything will be developed in C++ with optimizations, high performance and the minimum amount of external dependencies. It will be great. Soon I will publish some video to show my latest progresses.

If you are interested in my projects and want to start supporting my future business, you can make a donation to:


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Future plans for TextureMind Framework and satellite projects

I'm very excited to announce all the future plans for TextureMind Framework. First of all, let me tell you that I'm focusing all my energy on the development of the framework. I continued to develop for months now, without stopping. I'm trying to keep it consistent and reach important targets in no time. In the previous months, I refactored the entire system of class interfaces, serialization, graphics devices and the graphics user interface, implementing new widgets.

New language Parser

Now that everything looks perfect, I'm focusing my efforts on another important feature: a brand new parser for programming languages. The parser will be capable of parsing a source code with given rules and produce an abstract syntax tree (AST). The AST will be used for many purposes. For instance, there will be the chance to give the AST to a writer and produce again the source code, as well as you can give the AST to an executor component and execute the instructions at runtime. The AST will be used also to feed an executor (like LLVM) and execute the instructions at just-in-time.

GPU / CPU shaders

The AST will be used also to cross compile GLSL shader from shadertoy and make it compatible with my internal material system. In this way, you can copy & paste shaders from shadertoy and make them work directly on my framework without any further readaptation. Multiple GLSL shaders will be merged into a single GLSL / HLSL / SPIR-V shader without the need of ping-pong rendering: buffers will be converted into material nodes and channels will be converted into connections between material nodes. This is one of the most outstanding and absurd features I'm working on. Another feature is the possibility to execute shaders without the GPU, converting GLSL into Ansi C code executed by the CPU at just-in-time with multiple threads running in parallel in the same thread-pool.

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Future plans for product and projects

I wanted to give you a short update about future plans for the projects related to this web-site.

TextureMind Framework

Currently I'm working to a very long refactor of the framework to improve the internal architecture and fix lot of issues. After that, I will finalize the GUI and extend the support to other operating systems besides Windows, like Linux and MacOS. I will add support for Direct3D and OpenGL, while the via-software device will be extended to Skia library for advanced functionality, like 16-bit per channel. I will improve the management of system fonts at application level, add support for pre-calculated bitmap fonts and path-rendering for GPU devices. I will also improve the 3D engine with PBR (Physically Based Rendering) and real-time raytracing for GeForce RTX series.

Unlimited Holter ECG

There will be efforts to create a device that can record an ECG with 7 leads for days or weeks and that can be used as an external loop recorder. This is absolutely experimental and it will require months to reach a stable version. For now, I was able to monitor my heart activity in real time and record an ECG track. I'm working to implement the loop recorder feature, the holter monitor and all the GUI to handle it from the electronic device. Then I will develop a software for mobile devices (Android / iPhone) to download the ECG records, analyze them and produce valid reports. The software will be available from the respective online playstore. After that, I will design a PCB to move all the electronics component from the bread board to a compact space, then I will design the plastic enclosure.

Great news!

Finally I decided to clean up this web site and take a clear decision about it. This website won't be used anymore to publish tutorials, reviews, knowledge, thoughs, articles and so on, but only "projects and products" related to the web site's activity. I removed all the useless categories and simplified alot.

Now you can register an account into this web site, login and leave comments. You can donate to support projects and products on this web site. The software will be really fantastic, so stay tuned because you will see some good ones. Bye!

Nuovo sito

Salve a tutti. Benvenuti nella mia nuova pagina personale. Mi sto trasferendo definitivamente dal mio vecchio sito TSRevolution (, dato che faceva parte di un progetto del passato che non ho più intenzione di continuare. Ho pensato di impostare questo nuovo sito come un blog, tuttavia non sarà come quelle pagine che si usano adesso dove le persone scrivono un diario delle loro faccende personali, ma cercherò di mantenermi sempre sul tema della programmazione di computer, rilasciando sorgenti, progetti e articoli su alcuni argomenti di computer grafica. Sto cercando qualche sito (attinente all'argomento) da linkare, quindi se siete programmatori, avete una pagina e siete interessati potete contattarmi all'indirizzo email, oppure lasciare un commento a questo post. Uno speciale ringraziamento è rivolto agli autori del WordPress e all'artista che ha progettato l'aspetto grafico di questa pagina.

Buona navigazione!