Two big announcements

My paternity leave is about to finish. I took advantage from this period of pause to continue TextureMind Framework, in my spare time (programming is my lifelong passion). I wrote about 800 commits and finished most of the parts that were incomplete. I refined the resources system, supporting dynamic resources and content based optimizations. I […]

Future plans for product and projects

I wanted to give you a short update about future plans for the projects related to this web-site. TextureMind Framework Currently I'm working to a very long refactor of the framework to improve the internal architecture and fix lot of issues. After that, I will finalize the GUI and extend the support to other operating […]

Great news!

Finally I decided to clean up this web site and take a clear decision about it. This website won't be used anymore to publish tutorials, reviews, knowledge, thoughs, articles and so on, but only "projects and products" related to the web site's activity. I removed all the useless categories and simplified alot. But the big […]

Nuovo sito

Salve a tutti. Benvenuti nella mia nuova pagina personale. Mi sto trasferendo definitivamente dal mio vecchio sito TSRevolution (, dato che faceva parte di un progetto del passato che non ho più intenzione di continuare. Ho pensato di impostare questo nuovo sito come un blog, tuttavia non sarà come quelle pagine che si usano adesso […]