
TextureMind Desktop (future project)

TextureMind Desktop (TMD) will be a software to allow remote access to a personal computer's desktop (the host machine) from a client device. It will be composed by a server running on the host machine and a client application which connects to the server. The application will expose a simple UI to make the user […]

Two big announcements

My paternity leave is about to finish. I took advantage from this period of pause to continue TextureMind Framework, in my spare time (programming is my lifelong passion). I wrote about 800 commits and finished most of the parts that were incomplete. I refined the resources system, supporting dynamic resources and content based optimizations. I […]

IdealMind – Work in progress

Originally TextureMind Framework IDE, IdealMind is designed to manage resources (like textures, materials, 3D models) and to create applications with TextureMind Framework's functionalities. The term "Ideal" stands for: Integrated Development Environment Application Level, but it's also nice to associate it with the word "Mind", which is part of the TextureMind logo. With IdealMind, it will […]

PC Breathless Demo #1

I'm glad to release the first demo of PC Breathless that you can try on your own PC desktop or laptop. The minimum requirements are Windows, GPU card and Vulkan libraries installed. You can turn around your view with the mouse and set forward with the up/down cursors, eventually go up and down with the […]

Old framework’s GUI

This demo shows up the GUI system of my old project "Unrelated Framework". This GUI has been programmed from scratch and makes use of both via software and GPU rendering. In this case, the demo makes use of OpenGL for the rendering. The GUI implements the most important widgets, like buttons, text boxes, form windows, […]

Tetris solver V1.0

If you like tetris, you are going to enjoy this demo. Basically, it is a bot to solve tetris that I programmed many years ago. In this case, the only technique considered by the AI to put pieces into the line is the "hard drop", so horizonal movers and T.spin are not supported. You can […]

Old isometric engine

This is an old demo that I created in the past during the development of an isometric engine for a PC porting of the snes game Equinox. The project was commissioned to me by a person that wanted to port this particular game to the pc world and then he abandoned it for lack of […]

Future plans for product and projects

I wanted to give you a short update about future plans for the projects related to this web-site. TextureMind Framework Currently I'm working to a very long refactor of the framework to improve the internal architecture and fix lot of issues. After that, I will finalize the GUI and extend the support to other operating […]

Unlimited Holter

Today it is difficult to find a device on the market that can be used to intercept cardiac arrhythmias, like ventricular tachycardia, that may occur infrequently but can pose a serious danger. Usually these products record for 60 seconds or at most 5 minutes, or even if they record for 24 hours, they are very […]

Great news!

Finally I decided to clean up this web site and take a clear decision about it. This website won't be used anymore to publish tutorials, reviews, knowledge, thoughs, articles and so on, but only "projects and products" related to the web site's activity. I removed all the useless categories and simplified alot. But the big […]

CJS Framework – Abandoned

The project is marked as abandoned because: The name CJS Framework was already used in the context of other frameworks, I don't like it anymore and it doesn't mirror the current purpose of the framework I don't have time and resources to achieve the ambitious requirements that I decided in the past (supporting interchangable classes between four languages and […]

TSREditor – Last screenshots

TSREditor is a huge editor in the style of Blender3D  projected to create or edit the resources like textures, 3d models, sound and levels for games and other stuff. In spite of the large amount of work needed to reach a decent version of this software, I decided that it will be free as a […]

Unrelated Engine – Work in progress

This is the first "work in progress" video of my 3d engine called Unrelated Engine. Some complex animated models come from Doom 3. They were converted to a maximum of 4 weights per vertex as well as the identical vertices have been cancelled to improve the speed. The shader language was used to obtain a […]

Unrelated Framework – Inclusion of ZLib

The Unrelated Framework got support for ziv-lempel compression of data using ZLib. The classes can be compressed in memory, loaded and saved with few rows of code and without limits. For example: //this works only with resources like images, fonts, sounds, etc... C_Image *newImage = new C_Image(); newImage->ImportFromFile("test.tga"); //load image from file newImage->SetFileFormat(UF_FileFormat_Zip(6)); //set a […]

Unrelated Engine – Aquarium 3D

Aquarium 3D is a little demo of an engine that I'm developing for my framework. It uses a multithreading system with a thread for the physic engine and a thread that draws the graphics on the screen: the two threads are perfectly synchronized to maintain the best fluidity possible with different framerates. The physic engine […]

Texture Generation V1.0

This time it was a little bit harder. As you can see in this video, my engine can generate in real time very complex textures with the maximum detail at the maximum speed possible. Each texture is generated in real time at the frame rate showed on the top-left corner of the window (the "generation" […]

High Static Range

This demo shows a new feature about the texture generation engine implemented in my Unrelated Framework. The normalmap used by bump mapping is calculated on the base of an heightmap generated with two different methods: Low Static Range and High Static Range. The enviroment bump mapping shows the difference in quality between the two ranges. […]

Picture Tube

This is a demo about drawing loop textures with a picture tube technique. The blit functions of my engine can write an alpha source image to a destination buffer preserving the alpha channel information. This technique is useful to design alpha textures and to make some background effect as shown in the picture. ©2008 Gianpaolo […]

Blit Tech (via software engine)

Finally I've released what I hope will be the first in a long series of demonstrations about the potentiality of my Unrelated Framework. This demo shows some graphic effects to demonstrate the enormous flexibility of the blit engine. Strictly coded via software, it can run on lowend configurations with an excellent frame rate. There is […]

Textures (02)

Here we have another nice collection of textures (always of my own creation) that you can safely use in your web production, software, and so on. If you intend to use my work you could write me an email and let me know or replicate this same post or quote me in what you have […]

TexAviTure v0.05 Beta

For the delight of many graphicians and web masters I've released my old (and unpublished) utility for generating procedural animated textures which can loop in all directions and also in a time period without causing side effects or shots. The program is in a very early beta version and it can support only perlin noise  […]

Super Ball Smasher

Rilasciato finalmente in versione completa questo clone di Pang che ho programmato qualche tempo fa. Potrete usufruire di 50 stages distribuiti in 5 livelli di gioco con ambientazioni a tema e musiche suggestive create appositamente per immergere il giocatore nel clima del livello senza degenerare nel fastidio della ripetitività. Il concept, la grafica e la musica sono totalmente originali e […]

Textures (01)

I added some textures made by me some years ago. To create them I have used my old software for creating procedural textures that was called Virtual Surface. I never completed it in the past for lack of time and interest. Perhaps this project will be reborn in the future with a totally new concept […]

Nuovo sito

Salve a tutti. Benvenuti nella mia nuova pagina personale. Mi sto trasferendo definitivamente dal mio vecchio sito TSRevolution (, dato che faceva parte di un progetto del passato che non ho più intenzione di continuare. Ho pensato di impostare questo nuovo sito come un blog, tuttavia non sarà come quelle pagine che si usano adesso […]