DWorkSim v0.2

1 minute, 9 seconds Read

DWorkSim stands for Deterministic Workflow Simulator. It's a software created by me with my TextureMind Framework for testing image transmission in remoting protocols, like Microsoft Remote Desktop or AWS DCV. Frames are identified by the number in the top-left corner. Frames with the same number will have always the same pixels, even if they are generated in different moments, on different machines.

DWorkSim is a good alternative to raw images for instantaneous PSNR estimation during the transmission of the animation sequence. It's probably the only software in the world that allows you to do that, because the other softwares don't have support for frames generation and PSNR estimation. You can make also all the estimation you can make comparing two images, like image coherence, blurrines, pixel accuracy, color distortion and text readability. DWorkSim is now version 0.2. It can generate images to test GPU and CPU. The GPU test is different than the test for the CPU, for being more appropriate. The GPU test is performed with Vulkan libraries while the test with the CPU with the Cairo libraries. The GPU test contains two shaders taken from shadertoy:

DWorkSim is Freeware for now, so you can use it for testing your software. For the download, visit:

DWorkSim – Deterministic Workflow Simulator

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