TextureMind and all its activities will never be sold to any company

This is the biggest claim that you should be looking for. In a world where computer projects are created almost with the purpose of being sold in the future to big companies like Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Meta, I declare that I will never sell TextureMind Framework and all the products to any company that might be interested in purchasing them in the future. This work is getting better and better and in less than 2 months it will become my real full time job. I will never sell my business, not even for 100 billion dollars. No big company will ever make of my work its personal playground. The software created using the framework will always be mine alone and will be distributed and possibly sold by me. It will never become the half-mutilated service of a large company or the whim of some billionaire. The project will always be the same and will remain faithful to its original intentions. This should interest you a lot, because this way my work will never lose its integrity and will not be corrupted by the needs of making money typical of billion-dollar companies.

If you like my works and intend to donate, know that this money will never be lost for the creation of a work that will betray you in the future just to make money. If you donate, you will help the creation of one of the few survived works in the world that are made for passion and not for money.

There will be some big news coming soon. On January 6, 2025, the first working version of TextureMind Desktop, a remote display protocol, will be released. With this software, you will be able to connect to a remote workstation and play games or run 3D applications at 60 fps, for free. I'm also working on a bunch of other software, including a GUI editor, a 2D scene editor, a 3D scene editor, a full development environment, a paint application for creating textures and images with AI, a video editing application and more.

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